Index of artists

List of bids for the lot

Lot: 106
Title: Ultime luci
Year: 1955/59
Artist: Giovanni Napoleone Pellis (1888-1962)
Dimensions: cm 34x43
Technique: Oil on wood panel
Signed bottom right
A work of high pictorial, impasto and luminist quality by Pellis. Rare for its quality

Date and timeBid typeStatusBid
08/11/2024 17:23:46operatorexceeded2.800,00 €
12/11/2024 14:54:48operatorexceeded3.700,00 €
16/11/2024 20:31:48onlinerefused3.900,00 €
16/11/2024 20:31:48auto rebidexceeded4.100,00 €
30/11/2024 16:22:12in-roomrefused4.300,00 €
30/11/2024 16:22:12auto rebidexceeded4.500,00 €
30/11/2024 16:22:27in-roomexceeded4.700,00 €
30/11/2024 16:22:41in-roomexceeded4.900,00 €
30/11/2024 16:22:51in-roomexceeded5.100,00 €
30/11/2024 16:23:02in-roomexceeded5.300,00 €